Collection of Carrds, Linktrees, Toy Houses, and Other Such Contact Pages / Home Pages.

In the wake of TikTok getting banned, I now have a ton of bookmarks I have to manually move off my phone because Mozilla wants to force people to use Firefox Sync but I won't because I'm stubborn and that didn't even work last time I tried it. I got firefox sync working I was just using an outdated firefox fork.

Having watched several sites pinata over the years, it seems reasonable to just have a page analougous to a follow list like a social media site would have. Because if I just follow people on another platform and forget about it I'll eventually have to look for their contacts again when that site pinatas.

These aren't all from TikTok, I had a few bookmarked before.

Under here should be alphabetized and sectioned by plaform for ease of alphabetization




Straw Pages

Blog Spots

Idk if blogspot is like tumblr or what but I've encounted one so far. It's going in it's own category because vibes.
