I have a copy of my site on a private git repo on codeberg, which has made development easier to commit to because I feel inclined to work on things that are specific enough to fit in a commit title, instead of whatever the hell I was doing before that made me freeze up and not do anything.
Remembered n3, a file manager thingy I used to use back when I was using a laptop and used the terminal more. I think this will better suit my workflow. Also, konsole has good transparency support now, so I can use a plugin for shader backgrounds while I type! :v (There's also a plugin for using Wallpaper Engine that I haven't tested, might be cool if it works.)
I was overusing hr tags before.
I need to rethink how I use emojis on here, they look kinda ugly in Lynx and I imagine there's a more accessable way to do this.